Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Many Faces of Becca

Today, Lynette came over to photograph Becca.  She did an amazing job and I really dig the theme of her shoot.  It was very vintage 1940s.  Lynette had said she wanted Becca's hair and makeup to reflect that era.  We spent some time on the net looking at tutorials- Lynette had pictures of what she had in mind for her hair and makeup- and then we set out to shop for the supplies.  Once we got home it was all business (which basically means me stabbing Becca with bobbypins trying to perfect a victory roll and Lynette helping hotroll her hair, Becca smudging her red lipstick and all sorts of silly chaos).  After Becca was all dolled up, Lynette picked up her camera and that is where the chaos came to a screeching halt.  It was like watching a well oiled machine. :)  You just have to go see her image she shared on her 365 blog from today's shoot.  I'll share the link under my image for today.  Otherwise, you just won't get the full effect. ;)

Anyway, Becca was beautified and the shoot went well.  Lynette left, we took a friend home and then hung out at the neighbors.  After getting ready for bed, Becca came out to kiss me goodnight - she had purposely left her makeup all smeared because she knew I would laugh.  So, here is my image of Becca from today:

Now go look at Lynette's. :)


  1. OK... I know you love Lynette's version....and I do too but this is an awesome pic!

  2. Thanks! I thought it was pretty cool..and funny. :)
