Monday, January 31, 2011

Winter Weather Storm

It has been freezing drizzling all day and sometime late afternoon it started spitting snow.  The schools have already cancelled for tomorrow.  Steve has shoveled the driveway once and mostly because the snow we have gotten is drifting because of the blowing winds.  It seems like our driveway is a snow catcher because we have more snow accumulated on our drive than the other drives in the circle (go figure, right?!).  We are expecting 6-8 inches but my family in IL is expecting 18-24 inches (which sounds like last year's winter here).  Tomorrow should be interesting.  I know Becca will be a good sport and help shovel tomorrow if need be- she is such a good helper! I do believe hot cocoa will be on tomorrow's agenda.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Rose by Any Other Name

Becca came home Friday night with a rose.  She had a pasta dinner with her swim team and the Prep swimmers brought roses for the girls before their big meet on Saturday.  I photographed it today.  It has opened up and is really gorgeous.  It smells lovely.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Fun Dip

I love Fun Dip and so do my girls.  Becca's tongue happened to match her sweatshirt after having some..I think all this blue is going to her head.  Also, I have to admit I love the fact that Becca's highschool colors just happen to be my old highschool colors. ....she's sporting some old school sportswear tonight. :)  *sidenote* Becca took first in her heat today at her meet!  Goooo Barracuda!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Crazy Hair Day?

Here's a snapshot of Lela being goofy.  

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mid-morning Headshot Session

This morning I had a session with a new client.  I was really excited (like always!).  I decided to use one of the images for my blog entry today because that is how I spent my morning.  This client wants color headshots (good choice for her and how she will be using her image) but you know how I love black and white photos so I thought I would make the image into a black and white portrait for out here on my 365 blog. It was such a fun session and I look forward to working with her again. :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

More Homework ... the kitchen table.  As I mentioned in this post, we do homework at the kitchen table.  Here's proof that both the girls are required to sit at the table and do their homework.  This is where you can find Becca most every week night...for a few hours. :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Get It Barracuda!

Becca had a meet tonight.  This is a photo of her during warm-ups.  I really wish I could get down on the pool deck.  I would be in heaven.  .....on a completely different note- Happy  Birthday, Sara.  I love you.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Lela Got a Trim

Lela wanted a the "V" trim.  It was long overdue.  She says that she thinks her hair looks longer than Becca's now that her hair has been trimmed.  Um. Okay? She cracks me up!  Also?  I think 'trim' is a weird word- especially in print.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Bitten by the Creative Bug

The girls asked to paint today.  So out came the paints, brushes and canvas paper.  ...and of course, my camera.  It's these moments I just want to remember forever.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Big Yawn

Sometimes, I find it all just a tad bit boring.  Apparently, Buddy shares my sentiments.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Colors and Shadows. Plus, I'm a Fan, Remember?

I took this photo right before bed last night.  I love all the shadows on the ceiling and the color casts.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Goooo Barracuda!

Tonight Becca had another swim meet at Millard West.  Lela and I went to cheer her on tonight. We had a great time (as always) watching her swim.  Lela and I were both a tad overdressed and super hot- Lela's cheeks actually got flushed.  I think next time I'll leave my boots at home.  Here's a photo of Becca and her good friend/teammate in between events.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

What's All the Excitement About?

Tomorrow is a day off for BOTH of the girls!  They are thrilled.  And still awake. ;)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Chaos? Nah Just a Huge Meet

Becca had a meet today.  It started VERY early so Lela and I stayed home.  It was a large invite meet so Steve said it was a little chaotic.  I am cheating for today's image.  I didn't take this picture, Steve did--I still wanted to use it for today's blog because this is what our Saturday was all about and afterall, this blog is a work in progress review of our year. (Don't worry, I cleared it with him first--he gave me a limited copyright release.)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Red Red Wine....

I was contemplating a glass of red wine earlier this evening and then decided what they hay?  (that's right, I said what the hay- I'm a midwesterner at heart!--and in real life!)  Anyway, I also hadn't photographed anything today and then it came to me when I went to pour myself a glass of wine.  Here you go- today's image:

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Homework at the Kitchen Table

In our house, we do homework at the kitchen slouching at the couch, lying on the bed, lounging on the floor and/or flinging ourselves across a chair.  Nope.  We sit at the kitchen table.  It's been a rule since Becca was little and it will continue to be one until they're grown adults.

Today, was no different except Lela had missed most of her morning classes so she had quite a bit of makeup work to do...and she was LESS than happy about it.  It was taking a tad longer than most nights but she plugged away and completed her work.

One day, she'll be happy she got an education.  Right now, I'm pretty sure she doesn't like school, myself or her teachers. ha!  Bet that all changes tomorrow. :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Infamous Ceiling Fan

I came in my room to make the bed and all the fun cleaning up goodness when I got sidetracked by the phone.  I quickly grabbed the p&s and snapped a photo for today- I'm such a multi-tasker.  Admit it, I wowed you with my multi-task-i-ness.  And you thought I was just going to spend my time yapping on the phone with my mother (who called at least 4 times today) and not accomplish anything. Psh.  If I did that I wouldn't have time to sneak in a nap! JUST KIDDING.  This isn't my first rodeo.....I think I hear the phone now..... 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mmm Cookies and Snow Days!

The girls lucked out and had another snow day today.  They're loving it! Becca took the opportunity to bake some chocolate chip cookies and sugar cookies.  They were delish. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Old Man Winter Strikes Again! ..or Why God Made Teenagers

The girls had a snow day today!  They were so excited!  I guess all that wishing and finger crossing paid off!  I really can't complain; it is the first snow day of this school year.  I'd say we're not doing too shabby this winter. 

Of course, with snow days comes shoveling and Operation Why God Made Teenagers.  Becca was such a trooper!  She shoveled our driveway TWICE and then tackled the neighbor's drive.  I was so proud of her!  She had the best attitude all day long.  I think it's because of all that hard work and the warm fuzzies she got from doing something kind for somebody else. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Movie Day!

It's brutally cold out today.  I should take the time and post a disclaimer that when it comes to cold I am a sissy.  It's been spitting snow off and on the past couple days but today is supposed to be the real start of the winter storm.  Becca and Lela are both crossing their fingers for a snow day.  It's been a lazy day around the house. The girls are entertaining themselves and Steve and I have been hunkered down in the basement watching movies.  I love Sundays. :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Such a Sweet Face

I know I just blogged about this little guy, our schnauzer mix, Buddy, but he was looking so darn cute that I couldn't help myself and had to take a photo of him.  I had snuck downstairs and was going to try to photograph Steve and Lela playing the Wii together but they were having no part of it.  Instead, Buddy got my attention.  Out of the photos I took, this one I fell in love with his brown eyes.  We always joke that Buddy understand English; even if he can't he does great communicating with his eyes.  So no photos of Steve and Lela.  Here's another one of Buddy. :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

A Quick Trip

So, apparently the weather is going to take a turn for the worse...I figured I should make a quick trip to pick a few things up.  You never know if we'll get snowed in and after last year's winter weather I'm  not about to take any chances when they call for a winter storm.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Oh Sunshiny Day

Today was relatively beautiful...for January in the midwest!  This morning there was snow on my deck and by this afternoon it was all but gone.  I love the sunshine.  I love warm weather.  Some of you may disagree with me on the concept of warm but I doubt you live in the the highs were expected to reach 40 and for that I am/was thankful! ...and consider warm this time of the year.  Especially when those winds aren't blowing.

I don't think this reprieve is going to last long.  I believe there is snow in the forecast and that's fine.  I'm going to soak it up while I can.  Here's my image for today...proof that it was above freezing. ;)

Enjoy yourself a Sunshine Day.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Buddy Boy

Buddy was looking so cute I couldn't help myself- I had to snap a photo of him to share out on the blog today for my 365 project. 

He really is the sweetest dog, albeit sometimes annoying with all his barking.  He redeems himself quite quickly with just one look.  He's got the sweetest face and eyes that just reach out into your heart.  Our family wouldn't be complete without Buddy.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Becca requested eggsalad for dinner; I obliged.  What can I say?  Steve's out of town and I'm not about to get fancy for dinner.  Plus, it's one of her favorites. :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Red Robin and Tom George

Today Lela and I went to lunch with a good friend of mine, Tom.  Tom and I had a few classes together and then he moved to Idaho.  He was back for the holiday visiting family.  I was happy to be able to get together with him one more time before he leaves to head back --tomorrow.  The only thing missing was Lynette. 

Lela had the camera out quite a bit herself during lunch.  She's quite good with a point and shoot for a little one.  Tom even teased her about already understanding the rule of thirds.  She has an interest in photography and I think here in another year or so I am going to get out my old Canon Rebel and start teaching her the basics.

Anyway, here is a quick snapshot of Tom.  I had to sneak out the p&s and shoot from the hip at first which was quite comical.  Tom was nice enough to oblige (okay humor me) for this photo; so no hipshot here.  I think he realized I was getting a shot whether he liked it or not for the 365...I mean, he had been forewarned.  I stuck to it. 

Thanks for a fun lunch, Tom.  Hope to see you this summer if you make your way back.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Saying Goodbye

Today, the world is missing an exceptional man.  I only knew this man through my father; they served in Vietnam together. Together, in my mind they're heroes. 

This is what I remember about him:  He is a man who served our country, was one of my father's closest friends, was kind, once had a dog so big it spread across the hood of his car, was ornery, had a sense of humor, valued friendship, loved a woman who was devoted to him, lived in NY and had a family.  I'm sure there is much more to know about him. I always liked the way he signed his name, Mike'L.  It was always a treat to spend time with him.

I didn't take this photograph but I can't imagine letting today on my blog pass by without honoring Michael Bashta.    He left this world this morning at 4:30 am.  He will be missed.  He is loved.  Rest in eternal peace, Mike'l.

This song makes me think of my dad and Mike.  Sitting on the Dock of the Bay by Otis Redding.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011 New Year!!

So, I'm starting over.  My 365 for 2010 might be considered a dud to some but to me it was a start.  Today I am making another go at it....a FRESH start for 2011!  Hopefully I will avoid the pitfalls and learn from last year.  We'll see.  All I can do is try; so I'm going to do just that and hope for a full 365 photo journal this year.  *crossing fingers* 

I thought I would start the year off with a self-portrait.  My 2011 New Year Resolution list is fairly short.  I've condensed it.  After thinking about the changes I want to make both personally and professionally I realized that I can pretty much sum up the list in 5 words:  Believe and follow my dreams. 

Happy New Year to you!  May your year be filled with all sorts of laughter and may you be showered with blessings.  Most of all, may you remember to follow your dreams.