Wednesday, March 23, 2011

And That's A Wrap!

:sigh: That's what I say at the end of every session I photograph. I usually say it with a big smile on my face. This time, it's a little bittersweet. I loved doing this project. But I'm throwing in the towel. It's turned into something that leaves me feeling uneasy and a little conflicted.

It was always on mind. A little nagging voice..."Erica, you need to take care of that 365. Erica, you need to update your blog. Erica...." ENOUGH SELF-NAGGING ALREADY! AGH! Don't get me wrong. I took the photographs. Believe me. Whether my cell phone or Imagene- I was toting an extra eye with me *at all times*. I have 127 ...that's ONE HUNDRED TWENTY SEVEN images on my cell phone alone FROM THIS MONTH. That doesn't include the amount of photos that made it into my MARCH folder on my hard drive from Imagene. I won't even mention February's photos. But I digress.

In all honesty, it was getting a little embarrassing. For real.  Who can't upload a photo to a blog?  And I won't even mention how my other blog has suffered because of it.  If was going to update one blog why couldn't I find the time (scratch that) MAKE the time to update both?  Therefore both blogs got neglected.  It's true.  And it's hard to admit. But there it is.  I like blogging but I was beginning to dread it.

Instead of documenting how I spent my time- my time was actually standing still out here on the world wide web.  My clock was stuck!

And while I was at a complete stand-still with my blogging.  Life was zooming by!  And I was sitting worrying about how far behind I was sharing out here with you my 365 project.  I wanted my blog to be flying along like this car.  Instead it was going about as fast and as far as a car with a flat tire. 

I felt like a firefighter instead of a farmer.  I felt like I was watching this huge thing-that-was-supposed-to-be-fun-but-instead-is-a-flop-because-I-have-got-too-far-behind- grow out of control.

I had all this pressure that everybody was just standing around waiting.  Wondering if it was ever going to be completed.  ....and then worse yet.  Maybe everybody had left?


And then there was this teeny tiny light that started to grow.  Which really was just a reflection of how I felt inside. It was amazing how this thought turned into a light that showed me the way I needed to go. And this time I listened.  And I made a decision.

That's right.  I'm going to STOP. At least stop this blog.  I'm NOT going to stop documenting my year. My family. My interests. I can't imagine not taking a photo (or several) every day, every month.  But I am going to put an end to my 365 BLOG.

Come on, now.  Don't look at me like that...this *is* a good thing!  I want to have ONE rocking blog.  Not two.  Just one. :)  That's why I would like to invite you over to my other blog.  Please come follow me there.  This was my personal blog.  This blog is the blog that I use to promote my business but it is going to be overhauled.  I've decided it is going to be used for BOTH.  Get to know me over there and see both my professional and personal work.  It might be crazy.  It will be fun.  And I *will* do it well.

Thank you.  All of you. For following along on this fun ride, your support of this project and all of your kind words.  I hope to see you over here.  Come on, come follow me! :)

All my love,
Erica xx

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