Saturday, July 24, 2010

"My New Bling"

That's how Lela keeps referring to her new Harley hat.  Today, Steve, Lela and I went to Harley after Becca's swim meet.  Upon entering the store, Lela immediately started talking about how she wanted to spend her "one dollar".  I laughed.  I had to explain to her that there is NOTHING in the Harley store for "one dollar" so she should just put her money away and we could look for fun.  That's when she got that look in her eye and explained to me that she really wanted a Harley hat because she is the only one in the family without a Harley hat and most importantly Becca had a hat and she didn't and of course that's not fair and blah blah blah.  So we went and looked at the hats.  Now, just to set the record straight (Lela has her facts wrong)  Lela and I BOTH were the only ones without Harley hats.  As it sits now, I'M the only one without a Harley hat.  Although, I don't think Lela really cares.