Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011 New Year!!

So, I'm starting over.  My 365 for 2010 might be considered a dud to some but to me it was a start.  Today I am making another go at it....a FRESH start for 2011!  Hopefully I will avoid the pitfalls and learn from last year.  We'll see.  All I can do is try; so I'm going to do just that and hope for a full 365 photo journal this year.  *crossing fingers* 

I thought I would start the year off with a self-portrait.  My 2011 New Year Resolution list is fairly short.  I've condensed it.  After thinking about the changes I want to make both personally and professionally I realized that I can pretty much sum up the list in 5 words:  Believe and follow my dreams. 

Happy New Year to you!  May your year be filled with all sorts of laughter and may you be showered with blessings.  Most of all, may you remember to follow your dreams.

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