Monday, February 15, 2010

Books are either my.. friends or worst enemies.  I haven't decided which category they fall into yet. I love books.  I belong to a bookclub. I collect books. I hate to part with books.  I share books, I recommend books, I give books to friends as gifts, I like to receive books as gifts.  I'm not partial to any one type of book....I LOVE BOOKS. 

So last night when everybody went to bed I started one of the books that I got yesterday (of course wrapped up in my Snuggie slanket with the chocolate nearby). I finished it this morning. Ridiculous.  Sometimes I wonder what makes me tear through a book.  I mean, you would think because I enjoy reading so much I might take the time to relish the written word.  Nope. Not me.  I gulp the story down like a thirstcrazed lunatic.  It's over before it's even began and then I am left wanting more; my thirst unquenched. *sigh*

 It was a good book. I think this is the part where I recommend it. ;)


  1. Love your post! I too am a book fanatic, as you well know. I'll be looking for the one in the pic to come visit me via Mom. Thanks!

  2. Thanks, Erica! I appreciate your enthusiasm for books--and share it.
    -From another Erika, but with a K

  3. I so missed this..thank YOU, Erika, for stopping by and reading my post.
