Thursday, February 18, 2010


Both the girls have been feeling under the weather.  I really thought it was just a winter cold.  No fever or anything to indicate they were super sick and both had the same symptoms. Except for Lela-she kept breaking out in hives FOR NO APPARENT REASON.  I was baffled.  We hadn't changed anything in her diet, no new shampoos, soaps, lotions, medicines, detergents, etc.  I couldn't figure it out.  So, when the school called twice because she had broken out in hives-once in the morning (I called the doctor to make an appt) AND then again in the afternoon (which verified that yes, she needed to go in) I was relieved that my AWESOME Pediatrician (I heart Dr. Kaufman and his staff at Children's Physicians) was able to see my girls.

He knew right away what was going on with the girls. Apparently, they have mycoplasma pneumonia.  This is why Lela kept breaking out in hives.  Apparently, this bacteria is the cause of walking pneumonia and atypical pneumonia and is the *only* (from what I understand) pneumonia bacteria to cause hives or skin leasions (now, I don't think you always break out in hives but I'm no doctor and this blogpost is in NO WAY meant for anybody to glean a dianosis from- go see a doctor if you are sick.  I'm just blogging about my personal life here.) Weird, right?  Talk about RELIEF that the unknown cause of hives has been answered by my very competent and awesome girls' pediatrician.   Thank you and your staff, Dr. Kaufman!!

Anyway, here is a snapshot of lil Lela waiting to see her doctor. (Have I mentioned it is almost blasphemy to even allude to a wait time? - We actually got in earlier than our scheduled time and may have sat in the room of all 3 minutes before he came into see the girls.)

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