Friday, January 22, 2010

Architecture Fun :)

I went with Lynette today for a shoot she was doing for her large format class.  She was busy shooting with a 4x5 camera and of course I brought along Imagene. ;)  Here is a shot I wanted to share with you on the blog; my attempt at architecture.  I kept the shot it in color.  I did debate whether or not I wanted to turn it black and white but in the end I decided to go with color; I really enjoy the red in the image.  *sidenote*  While Lynette was setting up a shot I thought her feet were in the frame...turns out I was wrong; I am not used to looking at an image upside down and backwards!  Seriously, it made for a good laugh and I wish that you could have been there to laugh with us.  Anyway, here is my photograph today.


  1. Your photos are amazing. There. I said it.

  2. Awww :) I appreciate the compliment; you just made my evening! Thank you.
