Monday, January 18, 2010

A Lunch Date at Olive Garden...aka A Doctor's Appointment

Today Becca had an appointment; well, truth be told Becca and I had an appointment.  She wasn't aware of it but I had it in mind to take her to lunch.  We had a rough morning today and it just didn't sit right with me.  With the risk of sounding cliche, growing up is hard to do.  We don't always see eye to eye and that was pretty much the gist of it this morning.  I picked her up from school and asked her if she could pick anywhere to go for lunch where would she choose?  Olive Garden was her answer.  I had a hunch this would be the case.  It's her fave place to eat.  Soup and salad..mmmmm.  Amazing what can be fixed over a great meal followed up with a divine chocolatey dessert!

Anyway, we had a great mom/daughter date..excuse me...appointment.  We hashed things out and had some great bonding time.  I think it was just what the doctor ordered. ;)  Of course, I stole her p&s before leaving the house because I knew this would be what I wanted to blog about tonight.

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