Monday, January 11, 2010

The Coveted DS

Lela had a playdate today!  She was so excited to have Megan over to the house.  The girls have been begging for awhile now to get together but it always seems something is going on to keep the playdate from happening; whether snow days, meetings, holidays or whatnot it just hasn't happened.  Anway, Megan's mom called the other day and we marked it in ink on the calendar for today after school.  The girls were estactic.

Now, I remember playdates from when I was a child.  We most generally played with Cabbage Patch dolls, barbies, dressup or the karaoke machine (my mother had to love that little noise maker).  The point is we used our imagination.  I mean, a karaoke machine was pretty darn hightech and we still had to pretend to be a famous singer or band.  Heck, we might have even jammed out to some 45s (you know, those disc shaped like things that played music with a needle and required a record player...that's right, records!) or maybe a cassette tape or two (I do remember 8 tracks but now I am REALLY showing my age).

Playdates are different nowadays.  It's all about the Nintendo DS.  Megan even brought a game of her own over to play on Lela's DS.  Are you kidding me?  Lela, as well as Megan, I am sure, could play with this little contraption any ol' time they wanted to, especially when bored at home without the company of friends.  Alas, this seemed to be the hot toy of the evening.  As a matter of fact, they couldn't put it down while eating the brownies we made as an after school snack.  Don't believe me?  Here's proof.

After eating the yummy brownies, they continued to sit at the kitchen table and wield their DS skills laughing and giggling the entire time.  I guess that is one thing that hasn't change about playdates. :)

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