Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Last Holiday Party of the Season

Tonight was the last Holiday Party of 2009 (well, I should say FOR 2009).  It was a family friendly and casual event.  The highlight of the evening was karaoke. The best part was watching a boy about the age of 9 win the "Champion Trophy" after belting out his rendition of Pink Floyd's Another Brick in the Wall.  Boy he thought he was hot stuff! *so cute*  Anyway, I wanted to put up another image of Steve and I together but I just couldn't resist this photo. :D  Here is a shot of the guys having fun with the karaoke....I think we all have a bit of rockstar in us. ;)


  1. Steve's smile is too much! LOL IRL!!

  2. I know, right?! It was quite an entertaining performance. He doesn't know he was featured on the blog; I'm not sure I'm going to tell him. ;)
